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Writer's picturekaritauring

What is a Frigg's Hand? by Kari Tauring

Frigg's Hand is my original communication and boundary setting tool. I began developing it in 1998 when I was learning cognitive behavioral and communication tools through the Fairview Riverside Family Counseling. I soon began applying Nordic root culture teachings to these tools.


Frigg is the All-Mother goddess in Nordic mythology. She knows everything and says nothing until the time is most right. Her name, Frigg, means Beloved. She is the container for the brother gods, Odin whose name means The Spirit, Villi whose name means Will, and Ve whose name means Holiness. The Frigg's Hand is a tool to help settle the emotional triggers, connect with breath, organize our thoughts and feelings, and create boundaries for action or inaction within relationships.


I use the Left Hand because the ring finger on the left hand connects to the heart where Frigg lives in the body. When we are triggered we say woah! and hold our left hand up, palm facing the root of the trigger, stretching the arm out full length. We turn our hand towards ourselves having caught the trigger root in our palm. We hold our first finger up to our lips and quieten down.


The first finger then points to the senses. What I just heard, saw, smelled, tasted, touched.

The second finger creates a peace sign and separates the trigger point from me.

The ring finger connects to the heart and my feeling center. I articulate three things I am feeling.

The pinky comes up to create the first boundary - what I want/what I don't want

The thumb comes up to create the second boundary - what I am willing/not willing to do

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