The Völva Stav Guild is an educational and cultural healing cooperative of 6 women who are dedicated to the principals and methodologies of Völva Stav and who practice and use them daily in our personal and professional lives.
Our Mission
Restoring Northern European root cultural traditions and providing opportunities for communities to heal inherited cultural grief in ourselves, our families, and
our communities.
Stay tuned for 2024 dates!
Fall 2023
Nordic Womens* Retreat
November 3-5, 2023

Workshops included Donyelle’s ancestor doll workshop, Bethany’s SoulCollage®, hand crafting with Elizabeth, stav and song with Amanda, and altar setting with Rachel.
Kari taught Friggs Hand and Garden Gates, essential tools for communication and boundary setting. We also had our annual ancestor potluck where guild members and participants shared ancestral dishes.
We wrapped up our last day with a pot luck and farewell ceremony.
Hosting The Nordic Womans* Retreat
The Guild began hosting Nordic Women*’s Retreats in 2016 as a way to create safe space for women* in the Heathen community for exploring and sharing Nordic traditions, songs, dance, handiwork, and ancestral healing.
The Guild has since provided many of these retreats to include sauna ritual, ancestor doll and dream pillow workshops, spiritual collage, staff rhythm and song, and teach the tools of Frigg’s Hand and Garden Gates for communication and boundary setting.
“There are some things in our öorlog that need healing and some things that we can take strength in.” Elder Sara Axtell, Healing Roots Community - https://healingrootscommunity.com/
Exploring European/Nordic/white identity and its intersectionality with other communities here in Minnesota and the United States broadly can be fraught with difficulties. Nordic Womens* Retreat provides a joyful and embodied way of working with the things that need healing and the things that give us strength. It provides a creative space to sit with elders and teachers within the Nordic root community.