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Your tax deductible donations allow us to continue to support community by offering workshops, retreats, opportunities to connect with and financially support Elders and Scholars, and provide a wide range of community care.

The Guild hosts retreats, concerts, lectures and more.
Access is important to our mission, and your donations not only help us to provide a range of scholarships for those with financial barriers, but also to provide access to people and experiences that might be inaccessible to people for many reasons.

If you are donating to register for a workshop or event, please also fill out and submit the registration form and a confirmation email will be sent.
Thank you!

Suggested Donations


Conversation with Gudrun Victoria Gotved;

Sitting with the Elders (zoom)

$10 - $99


Conversation with Stina Fagertun;

Sitting with the Elders (zoom)

$10 - $99






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